Frequently Asked Questions


Q:How do I get to post my Profile on the Escorts Home Page?

Your Membership automatically entitles you to appear on the Escort Home Page, appearing within the Membership Type you have selected when creating your Profile. Where the number of Profiles exceeds, within the Membership Type, the number of available positions within the Escort Home Page, the Website, every two hours, will randomly rotate the Profiles, so as to ensure all Advertisers receive equal time at the top of their respective Membership Types. The rotation of Profiles occurs in both List View and Grid View.

Only the Membership Type 'Free', will be presented with a silhouette thumbnail, that is, the thumbnail is not apparent on the Escort Home Page, but their photographs do appear within their Profile which Viewers can see when they open the Profile. Their Profile summary is also restricted, Viewers will need to open the Profile to determine all of the Escort's basic information to form a perception.

Q:How long do I have to wait to be at the top of the Escort Home Page?

Every Profile within a Membership Type is randomly rotated every two hours.

Q:What if I forget my login or password?

If you forget your password simply go to the Logon Page and click the “forgot password” link and then enter your details. You will receive an email to the email address registered in your My Account details. Escorts4U also uses SMS 2FA technology for certain functions within the Website, including login and password recovery.

Q:Do I need a SWA (see Local Laws Victoria) number to advertise with you?

If you are operating as a sex worker in Victoria, you have the option of displaying your SWA number on your Profile. It is no longer compulsory to register and display your SWA number under the Victorian State government legislation. Your Profile setup has a provision for you to insert your SWA number. You will be able to complete a Profile without your SWA number where your Home State or the Profile is designated as Victoria.

If you do not currently have a SWA number, but would prefer to do so, you will need to register with the Business Licensing Authority (BLA). For more information, contact the BLA at:

Q:Can I have a default Profile - can I create other Profiles from my default Profile when I want to Tour?

Yes you absolutely can. In fact you can go further by creating a Profile for each city you visit. Each Profile is kept in your Archive Folder. Simply turn off your Profile when you are leaving a city and turn on your Archived Profile for the city your are next visiting. Very convenient. This way you can have subtle differences between Profiles within Locations.

You can go one step further and create a Tour, two or more Locations, by linking your Profiles you have created and stored in your Archive Folder. Once you post your Tour all you need to do is keep to the scheduled dates you have set in the Tour. Each Profile for the Location you are in will be posted the day before you arrive and will be taken down at midnight preceding the day you leave, all done automatically. You don't need to do anything. You can edit your Tour along the way if your schedule changes. The Website keeps track of any changes to your Tour along the way, such as where you shorten a stay in a Location, you will be credited for the number of days you have reduced the Tour by.

Local Laws
State Legislation(1) Regulations Comments
Federal Criminal Code Act 1995 None Divisions 270 & 271
ACT Sex Work Act 1992 Prostitution Regulation 1993 Regulations repealed 9th August 2018
NSW As at 1st January 2021, there is no Prostitution legislation in place in the State of New South Wales. None None
NT Prostitution Regulation Act Prostitution Regulations None
QLD Prostitution Act 1999 Prostitution Regulation 2000 Massage Centres must have their business telephone number registered with the Prostitution Licensing Authority and display their number in their Profile
SA: Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and Summary Offences Act 1953 None None
TAS Sex Industry Offences Act 2005 None None
VIC Sex Work Act 1994 Sex Work Regulations 2006 You must display your SWA in your Profile
WA: Prostitution Act 2000 None None

Note: 1. Local Laws published in the relevant jurisdiction as at 1st January 2024.

Managing My Account & Profiles

Q: What Account information is mandatory for an Advertiser and what is not?

When you register to be come a Member, there is some mandatory information we request from you, such as your:

  • mobile number
  • email account; and
  • Home State (where you are domiciled).

You do not have to provide your name but it is optional. When you create a Profile, you can nominate a Profile Name for the Profile you are creating. We refer to that name as your 'Stage Name'. You can allocate a different Stage Name for each Profile and have as many as your like.

When Escorts4U or a User communicates with you, you are addressed by your Membership Number unless you have provided your name to us.

Q: What Account information is mandatory for a Viewer and what is not?

When you register to be come a Member, there is some mandatory information we request from you, such as your:

  • mobile number; and
  • Home State (where you are domiciled).

You do not have to provide your name but it is optional and should you choose to have a name, the name you choose can be anonymous in nature.

Q: To what extent is Geolocation applied in the Website?

Geolocation by proxy IP is by Country-Region-City. The Website does not undertake any geolocation search beyond the City you reside in. If you do not live in a capital city, then the Website will by default attach you to the capital city in the region Location.

Q: Once I am online, can I update my Profile(s) by myself?

Absolutely, you can. Managing your Profiles has never been easier. All Advertisers have their own username and password, and have the ability to login and update their Account, Profile Information and Profiles any time of the day. All changes to Profile content and settings will be visible online immediately.

We even make it much easier for you by making available an Agent to help you with your Account, Profile Information, Profiles and Tours. Once you have registered, you simply request the help of an Agent and they will help you with all your queries and management of your Account.

Q: Can I update my Media?

You certainly can. You will have direct access to your image gallery and videos retained in your Archive Folder. Simply log on and upload or delete Media retained in your Archive Folder (those which are displayed in any of your Profiles) any time of the day. You can move Media around and nominate which photo image is your Thumbnail or Banner Image.

If required, we will format your Media for you, to create a striking presentation. All changes to images will be online within a 24 hour period of new images having been uploaded (often within a few hours).

Once you have all of your images and video uploaded in your Archive Folder, you will have three groups of Media:

  • Thumbnail (default image for your series of Profile photos - up to 7)
  • Banner Image (which appears across the top of the Profile)
  • Video image (a frame selected from the video and which appears as an image with a play tag)

If you have requested Escorts4U to verify your Media, we will attach an Escorts4U Verified Icon to the image. This is highly recommended as the verification adds credibility to your Profile.

Q: Can I remove my photos?

You can delete Media from your Archive Folder by simply selecting the cross on the image and it is deleted. You can organise your images into groups (folders within your Archive Folder) to help you better manage your Media. You should always update your Profiles with your new Media before deleting any existing Media as any Media which is deleted will automatically be removed from a Profile which that image or video was contained in.

Q: Can I select a Thumbnail or Banner Image?

You can select your Thumbnail or Banner Image (the preview image that appears across the top of your Profile) by logging on, selecting your preferred image and dragging it to the Profile basket. You can have a different Thumbnail or Banner Image for each Profile you create.

The Thumbnail you select for any Profile will be the photo image which appears on the Search Page where your Profile is listed.

Q: Can I see how much traffic I am generating for my Profile?

You certainly can. From the moment you begin to advertise with us you will be able to access your Dashboard and view all of your analytics from within your Dashboard. The Profile statistics are broken down into numerous information groups to assist you when analysing your successes.

Q; How does the Tour feature work?

As soon as you create your Tour from your selected Profiles, it will be posted according to your start date. One day prior to your first Tour destination you will appear on the Escort Home Page for that Location, according to the Membership Type you have chosen when you created the Tour. That is, if you selected Platinum you will appear in the top group on the Escort Home Page.

This will enable you to have maximum exposure before your Tour commences, and give you the chance to take pre bookings in advance. You can also send out a V-Alert to those Viewers who have added you to their Legbox and enabled the V-Alert feature to receive V-Alert notifications. Where you select this option in the Tour creator, a V-Alert will be automatically forwarded to Viewers, who have enabled this feature, one day before each leg of the Tour. This is a free service. The Viewer will receive the notification according to their settings, that is, by email or text.

Q: Do I need to enter information into my Tour?

Your Tour will automatically use the same information and Media that is set up in each of your selected Profiles you have created for your different Locations. Like for example, your Sydney and Melbourne Profiles.

If you would like to display different information in your Tour, such as Rates, About Me or Availability, you can login and edit your Tour at any time or you can edit the information while you create the Tour.

For Tours which include Victoria, in order for us to display your Profile in Victoria and Queensland, images will need to comply with the Local Laws of these Locations. You cannot show your bare breasts, buttocks, anus or full frontal nudity of the genital region. You will also need to supply us with your SWA number, at your option, to comply with the Victorian legislation, if you have chosen to display your SWA number.

Escort advertising laws in Australia differ from state to state. Before you embark on a Tour, it is your responsibility to become familiar with the Local Laws and ensure you are compliant (see Local Laws above).

While on Tour, if you upgrade your Membership Type you will not lose any remaining days you have paid for. They will be applied automatically if you do not continue at the higher Membership Type.

Q: What is an Agent and how can they help me?

An Agent is a person or entity that has been appointed by Escorts4U in a designated Location, like for example the “Victorian Agent”. The role of the Agent is to assist Advertisers in the management of their Account, Media, Profiles, Tours, Concierge Services and Account information.

You can appoint an Agent at any time by either:

  • Nominating the Agent as a part of the registration process; or by
  • Requesting an Agent to be appointed by lodging a request through your Dashboard.

When you appoint an Agent, you enter into an arrangement with the Agent directly for the Agent to provide the Agent Services. The Agent will have full access to your Account.


Q: How frequent are the advertising payments?

Fees are paid in advance according to the advertising period you have selected for your Profile or Tour. You will receive an email from us 24 hours before the expiry of the Profile (advertisement). If you do not renew the Profile Subscription, your Profile will be removed from the Website, but retained in your archived Profiles within the Archive Folder which you can access from your Dashboard. You can renew a Profile at any time.

When setting up a Profile, you can elect to have an automatic renewal for a determined period for the Profile, like for example, every 5 days at the Platinum level.

Q: How will I know my next payment is due?

We will email you a notification 24 hours prior to the expiry of your Profile. Your payment options will be listed in the email.

You can also find out your due date at any time by logging in and clicking on the Dashboard link that administers published Profiles and Tours.

Q: What are my payment options?

We accept payments by Card only. Payment is processed online when you post or renew your Profile or Tour. You are not required to provide your Card information when you set up your Account or any Profiles. You can even set up Profiles to be retained in your Archive Folder until you are ready to advertise.

There are effectively three payment options, all with your Card, namely:

  • Pay as you go. If you post a Profile for 3 days, you can pay for 3 days.
  • Pay in advance. You can pay a lump sum into your Account and then draw down on those funds as you post and renew your Profiles or Tours.
  • Pay and renew. You pay for the number of days you have selected for your Profile, and elect to automatically renew your Profile each nominated period thereafter (like every 5 days) and for the nominated occurrences (like for 3 renewals).

Q: Can I pay weekly?

Yes you can. We calculate your Fees based on the number of days you select for your Profile to be published. Some discounts do apply in certain circumstances (see Loyalty Program )

Q: Do I receive a discount if I make a pre payment for months in advance?

Yes you do. We offer generous discounts for pre-payments, long term advertising (22 days or more) and cumulative spending. You can see all of our discounts in the Fee summary which you can access from your Dashboard.

Q: Important note regarding payments

When raising a query with us, we can only trace and allocate a payment to your Profile if it has the correct Payment Reference. It is very important that your payment query has the correct Payment Reference, which is the confirmation reference number we provide you in your email notification once your published Profile Fee has been made. It is like a receipt.

When you view a published Profile in your Archive Folder, the Profile will have the number reference attached to it for your convenience. A current published Profile is retained in the ‘Current Publications’ sub-group and all historical publications are retained in your ‘Past Profiles’ sub-group.

Any queries regarding payments that cannot be matched to Profiles will remain open until you match the payment query to the Profile.

Signing Up with Us

Q: Do I have to sign a contract to advertise?

Save for the Policy statements including the Terms and Conditions of use, there are no other contracts, no obligation to advertise and you can cancel your Membership at any time

Q: What is the best type of Membership for me?

We have a range of Membership options that are sure to fit in with your needs.

Depending on the Viewer's display preference, the Search Page will present in either a "List View" or "Grid View" format. Viewers can then select to view your Profile. You will always rank within your Membership Type in all search results irrespective of which format the Viewers choose to view the Escort Home Page. Each Membership Type reshuffles every 2 hours enabling all Advertisers to appear first from time to time within their respective Membership Type on the Escort Home Page

A viewer can ‘flag’ your Profile and then view the list of Profiles from within the Escort Home Page that they have selected. A registered Viewer can go one step further by adding your Profile to their Legbox. That will entitle them to receive notifications from you as well as having communication capability with you should you have those features enabled.

Each Membership Type enjoys certain benefits according to that Membership Type. The following table summarises the distinctions between each Membership Type according to the format:

Type Description

Platinum Membership always ranks at the top of the Escort Home Page.

List View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 142px x 200px. Rates, review rating, available to, verification and your 'Who I am' are displayed.

Grid View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 200px x 281px. Hourly rate, services, gender, orientation and view rating are included in the display.

Profile Page:

A comprehensive and informative summary about you. Your Thumbnail is 420px x 600px together with 6 additional photos and a video player 640px x 360px. All photos and the video can pop up.


Gold Membership ranks behind Platinum and before Silver.

List View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 112px x 157px. Rates, review rating, available to, verification and your 'Who I am' are displayed.

Grid View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 163px x 229px. Hourly rate, services, gender, orientation and view rating are included in the display.

Profile Page:

A comprehensive and informative summary about you. Your Thumbnail is 420px x 600px together with 6 additional photos and a video player 640px x 360px. All photos and the video can pop up.


Silver Membership ranks behind Gold and before Free.

List View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 102px x 144px. Review rating, available to, verification and your 'Who I am' are displayed.

Grid View:

Your Thumbnail photo is 136px x 191px. Hourly rate, services, gender, orientation and view rating are included in the display.

Profile Page:

A comprehensive and informative summary about you. Your Thumbnail is 420px x 600px together with 6 additional photos and a video player 640px x 360px. All photos and the video can pop up


Free Membership ranks behind Silver.

Escort Home Page: You will appear after paid listings in all Search Page results and Profile shortlist displays.

List View:

Your Thumbnail is displayed as a silhouette 79px x 116px. Available to and your 'Who I am' are displayed.

Grid View:

Your Thumbnail is displayed as a silhouette 100px x 145px. Hourly rate and services are included in the display.

Profile Page:

A comprehensive and informative summary about you. Your thumbnail photo is 420px x 600px together with 6 additional photos 100px x 100px. No video is available. All photos can pop up.

If you receive over a certain number of Profile views or telephone number clicks during the free 14 day period you will be informed and notified to upgrade to a paying Membership Type.

We do this to provide for the fairest distribution of leads between our Free Members. If you do not elect to become a paying Member, your Profile will be suspended. You will still be able to log onto your Account at any time to upgrade your Membership Type.

Q: What do I have to do to create a Profile?

There are two steps to creating your Profile. First you set up your Account, including your Additional Information, which is referred to as My Account, and then from within your Dashboard you create Profiles to advertise. You can create many profiles, for example, a Profile for each city you visit or two Profiles within a Location. Like ‘Perth01’ and ‘Perth02’. The difference may only be your Profile Name and the published Media.

Although there may only be subtle differences between Profiles, you have the convenience of activating the right Profile already configured for the city you are visiting without having to edit the one Profile every time you travel to another Location. You have a 'Default Profile' in your Archives Folder which you use to create new Profiles for Locations, or even more then one Profile for a Location.

You can create a Profile at any time after registering on the registration page. It is a very quick and easy process to follow. You can create a Profile in less than 5 minutes. You can also request our assistance or better still, request the services of an Agent who can help you create your Profile/s and manage your Account generally, along with many other services.

Q: How many images and video can I have in my Profile?

You can have a maximum of seven photo images, including the Thumbnail, irrespective of your Membership Type with your Thumbnail acting as the default image displayed on the Escort Home Page (except for Free Membership). Platinum and Gold Members can also upload a maximum of three videos as well as their photos being displayed in a larger format than other Membership Types on the Escort Home Page in both List View and Grid View.

Your can retain many photos and video in your Archive Folder, but you are limited to the number of photos and video permitted in a Profile.

Q: How long does it take for my advertisement to go online?

When you create a Profile and pay the Fee, the Profile is published immediately. If you have included Verified Photos in the Profile, our support team, whilst they will have a report advising us you have posted the Profile, will not necessarily review the Profile.

If the Profile you have posted does not contain Verified Photos, then our support team will review the Profile to check the Media is compliant with the Classification Laws. The review of your Profile will be completed within 24 hours. If the Profile is deemed to be non-compliant, then the Profile will be suspended and you will be notified by email. You will have the option to edit the Profile which will then be immediately posted and the support team will again review the Profile, if any of the Media is not verified.

All Media which is verified will be displayed with an E4U Verification Icon (see Website Icons).

During the review of your Profile, if the Profile is suspended for more than one day, and the Fee paid includes the supended period, then the Fee will be credited back to you.

Q:How can I maximise my presence?

Most Escorts usually advertise on a number of websites. When advertising on another website, include your website address to Escorts4U. For example, (your Profile ID Number). Over time your clients, when you re-direct them to this Website, will conclude this is the better website to find you.

Q:Do I need to have professional photography?

We recommend that your Media is professional in quality. But it is entirely up to you. Self images are fine but you should always bear in mind that the more professional the photos, the better your chances of attracting clients. Overall though, your photos do not need to be taken by a professional photographer, but must have a good quality finish. Remembering, the higher quality images you provide, the more striking presentation we can make for you.

It is important that images have a certain mood, atmosphere and sensuality. This is essential in order to capture the attention of your potential clients, and leave them wanting to see more. Try not to have obscure or misleading photos. Any Media where the face is not present or obscure may be rejected.

Q:Can you recommend any professional photographers?

We do not provide any recommendations for professional photographers. You will need to speak to your colleagues or use good old "Google".

Q:Can I advertise with you if I am working for an Massage Centre?

Absolutely. You can have your own Account and post Profiles whenever you want as well as being included in the Massage Profile should the Massage Centre also register. Just remember, by registering and creating your own Account, you are considered to be an Escort for the purposes of posting a Profile.

Q:How do I cancel my Membership?

Just send us a Support Ticket requesting we cancel your Membership and we will attend to your request. Always retain your Membership Number. If you decide to join again, your Membership Number will assist you with re-registration.


Q: I cannot login to My Account, what should I do?

Check that you typed in the right email or password and that you have also entered in the correct SMS 2FA code that was texted to you. If you have lost your password, use the “Forgot Your Password” link. Please be mindful that we do use SMS 2FA verification when logging onto the Website. If you still have problems, please email us at and include your Membership Number in the body of the email.

Q: I cannot upload and/or save my images, why?

Check the allowed image types below and then try again:

  • photos must be .jpg or .png format
  • photos must be portrait orientation
  • the minimum height and width of the photos must be 500px
  • the proper ratio is 2/3 (width/height)
  • if your ratio is smaller then we will crop from the bottom
  • if your ratio is larger then we will crop from the sides
  • maximum allowed dimension is 4000x6000px

If you still have problems, please email us or preferably, log on and create a Support Ticket.

Q: I have other questions, where can I send my messages?

If you have any other technical or administrative questions, please email us or preferably, log on and create a Support Ticket.

Q: Why does the Website have a Home State and Location?

By designating the Advertiser with a Home State, the Website will function more accurately when posting Profiles and Tours. For example, in Victoria you have the option to be registered under the Sex Work Act 1994 and display your SWA registration number. When completing your Profile Information in the Dashboard, the Website will know to make the SWA number optional for you to include.

Whereas, when you are on Tour, the Location is simply the State you are visiting.

Geolocation technology is deployed in the Website. When you register, the Website will automatically know your Location and will then deem it your Home State, unless you change it. Once you complete your registration, the Home State can not be changed.

Q:What exactly is SMS 2FA authentication?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of end-user Account protection beyond a password. It significantly decreases the risk of Account takeovers where a hacker accesses banking, shopping, social media or other online accounts by combining the password (something you know) with a second factor, like a one-time passcode or push notification sent to your mobile phone (something you have).

Q: Is SMS 2FA the same thing as two-step verification?

Yes. Websites refer to this security feature in several different ways: two-factor authentication (or 2FA), two-step verification (or 2-Step), multi-factor authentication and two-step authentication.

Q: How does SMS 2FA work?

This form of authentication is actually quite simple. After signing in, the User receives a text message with an SMS authentication code. All they need to do is enter that code into the field provided on the Website pop up to gain access. You have probably already experienced this process yourself when logging into websites like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other services like banking.

As a possession-based factor, SMS 2FA verifies a User’s identity based on something they own, like their mobile phone. This adds an extra layer of security to a login. In theory, bad actors would have to steal a User’s password and their mobile phone in order to gain unauthorised access to your Account.

Q: What if I lose my mobile phone?

If your mobile phone is lost or stolen you should immediately contact your mobile phone provider to lock access to the device. Additionally, to prevent unwanted access to your personal phone data and apps in the case where it is lost or stolen, it is always a best practice to utilise the lock feature in your phone's settings. You should set your mobile phone to lock and require a password for use of the device when you are not actively using it.

As a general guide on passwords, use different passwords across your accounts; use a combination of special characters, numbers and both upper and lowercase letters; avoid using passwords that include information that can be easily discovered online like maiden names, high school mascots and phone numbers; do not create passwords that are so complicated that they need to be written down or that require a password reset on every login.

Q: Do I have to use SMS 2FA verification to gain access to the Website and services?

Yes. But only to your Dashboard once you have registered.

Does the Website work on any device/

Yes, absolutely.